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HomeVision & Mission

Mission Vision and Values


Northwest Neighbors Network creates neighborly connections, fosters engagement, and empowers seniors and adults with disabilities to thrive in the place they call home.We achieve this mission by providing a community of dedicated NNN volunteers who help seniors and individuals with disabilities on a wide range of neighborly tasks such as transportation and household chores. In addition, NNN offers a rich array of social connections and educational opportunities that support our neighbors’ desires to thrive in place.


NNN envisions an intergenerational inclusive community where seniors live in the comfort of the place they call home, surrounded by a vibrant and caring network of neighbors, and where they feel a strong sense of belonging and contributing to their community.


Belonging. We embrace an environment where every voice is heard, every story is cherished, and everyone feels valued.

Diversity and Inclusivity. We celebrate the rich mosaic of diverse background and beliefs in our community, and we support fostering a community where all members demonstrate a commitment to fairness and respect.

Integrity. We follow through on our commitments, maintain confidentiality, and stay vigilant to make sure our conduct aligns with our core values.

Interdependence. We believe each individual in our community has something to offer and we grow stronger together.

Collaboration. We foster connections among individuals, community organizations and agencies in the cities we serve.

Service. We are driven by our passion to give back to our communities, by making positive impact locally, and by influencing society broadly.

Quotes from Emerson and Mead